Sunday, December 5, 2010

Painting in Roma Al Fresco

Painting for me has always been based on "discovery." Especially when I have been traveling and away from the paint brush for several weeks, I "forget" how to paint, in a sense, and have to rev my engine for a while before I can accomplish anything.

The "remembering" process always, at least for me, begins with the macchia and establishing patterns, usually drawing with the brush.

"Macchia Uno"

"Macchia Due"

Here at the American Academy, it is customary to leave a small self-portrait for exhibit at the bar. I have been working pretty casually on one for the past week. I have some changes to make but here is what I have so far:

As you can see, it needs some color which I intend to add after it dries a bit. I am using terpentine and poppy oil as an experiment. The local art store had poppy oil which I have wanted to use for some time now. So I went for it. It takes a little getting used to. It is thicker than linseed oil but shows brushstrokes a bit more dramatically.

As per usual, my interests focus on the "veduta" or distant view. More on this soon.