Thursday, November 6, 2008

Narrative Painting unfolds intuitively

Well...its November already and I have to get ready for my DIVA exhibit at the end of this month and, I have just confirmed my exhibit at the Springfield Museum for January. The DIVA show will mostly be landscapes but I hope to include some recent figurtive experiments, perhaps work done while teaching this class, the narrative painting course at Maude Kerns.

This was painted last night:


News flash: Because of a family emergency, I am forced to sell a much cherished painting as soon as possible. This is my "View of Florence from the Effizi Gallery"
which I need to sell for approximately $8000. If you or anyone you might know is in a position to acquire this work, please have them get in touch. The work was completed in 2001 and, as far as I know, is a totally unique vista of Florence. At least I have never seen anything like it. My wife Angela loves this painting which hangs in our dining room, but not it seems it must find another home.


Virtual Vegas said...

but not it seems it must find another home.


but NOW it seems it must find another home.

Freudian spill?

Deirdra Doan said...

Hi Jerry and Angela,
Great blog, it is wonderful to have you on blogland. I will put a link to your site from mine.

Blessings on the sale of your painting. Have you tried Ebay? Many people do well there also esty.

Hope you enjoy the Christmas Video and views of my home on my blog.

The word verification to send this comment was "kiess" sweet.