Monday, August 23, 2010

Fishing and Painting -- Part 2

"View From Angel Flight Road" (2009)

August 23rd: Preparation for Next Weekend's Fishing and Painting Workshop:

Review and Assignment: We emphasized composition and "macchia" or pattern during our first weekend. Please continue to create macchia (both mass and line) and exporatory drawing with the large brush. Example:

Note: This can also be done in a very subtle way. Keeping the pure sienna color and going light (mix sienna with white) and spending more time drawing until your composition and "concept" comes through. Example:

Practice: Keep trying to use color pool mixing. Use the palette knife or brush to "drag" colors into one another as shown:

We also talked about the importance of studying "old" masters like Constable and the need to strike a balance between realism and abstraction. Here is one of my Constable studies:

Try some line macchie:

Or attempt a line macchia and then add some watercolor notes for colors as shown below in this example;

Some quick work done last weekend:

"View From Up High", finished in studio from plein air notes (2010)

We will focus on color next weekend!

"View from Y-Fork Road" (2010)

"Mount Pisgah" (2010)

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